I invite you to look with a renewed sense of wonder at the curve of a leaf, the arrangement of petals in a flower, at once so simple and incredibly complex.
The Earth has its own systems that are again both simple and complex. These #PlanetaryBoundaries are well described in @silverback_films latest documentary #BreakingBoundaries with @DavidAttenborough. Available now on @netflix
You can watch a clip from this on my linktree! While the facts sound scary, they give me #Hope as they define clearly what we must do.
We must act decisively with a united response.
Let us commit to restoring balance in the world by putting these planetary boundaries at the centre of the top level of governance @UnitedNations #GlobalCitizens
Seen here: PURPLE PALMS 1 #WhenYouBuyArtIPlantTrees 🌱